This is the amazing journey of our two miracles. John Craig was born on November 30, 2005 at 24 weeks and 5 days gestation. He weighed 1 pound 8 ounces and was 12 inches long. John is a true miracle and an inspiration to all that meet him! Hope Amanda, our perfect little girl, is currently recovering from two brain surgeries to remove a 6cm mass from the center of her brain. Hope represents everything good in this world and she too is an inspiration to all.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29.11

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Sundae Celebration

In honor of John's PERFECT first report regular mainstream Kindergarten....we had a happy meal dinner and ice cream sundae celebration (all his choice of course!)

I know I am repeating myself but I could not be any more proud of my kids.

And for the record, I cried like a baby when I read his report card (Grams did too!)

A double thumbs up for my super smart, super sweet, super handsome Kindergartner!!!!!

Sissy wasn't waiting a second longer......spoon or no spoon, she's digging in!!!

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Holly and Stephen said...

Hi I am a mom of a 23 weeker and 5 years old as well. Congratulations on his perfect report card in mainstream kindergarten. I had a question. Is he mainstreamed all day with an assistant? I have been contemplating doing it for my son but not sure if I should. I would love your input if that is the case. You can email me at or on here. Either way is fine. Thank you. =)

Grace, Ruby, Hazel OR Katie said...

So did you send those very WRONG doctors his report card?! So proud of him. I can only imagine how those tears flowed.

Love you guys. And love Hopie digging in with no spoon. She probably licks the bowl too.