This is the amazing journey of our two miracles. John Craig was born on November 30, 2005 at 24 weeks and 5 days gestation. He weighed 1 pound 8 ounces and was 12 inches long. John is a true miracle and an inspiration to all that meet him! Hope Amanda, our perfect little girl, is currently recovering from two brain surgeries to remove a 6cm mass from the center of her brain. Hope represents everything good in this world and she too is an inspiration to all.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29.11

Monday, March 21, 2011

One Month Post Op

I love how much Hopie loves her big brother....he can not escape her:)

Anyhow, we are just two days shy of being one month post op.  His back is completely healed, he is able to crawl on all fours, sit criss cross applesauce (which he couldn't do comfortably before,) stand with assistance and walk with assistance without any scissoring.  Can I get a woot woot??????

Unfortunately we have hit another bump in the road.....hoping it's nothing and just part of his body healing.  At about two weeks post op he started getting these massive headaches.  A lot of times they come on when he moves too fast or if we stretch or turn him a certain way.  Sometimes they come out of no where and have even woken him up at night.  His PT says it's normal and his neurosurgeon doesn't seem too concerned.....however, they are freaking me out!  He has never had one headache before this surgery so I know it's related.  So, we are going in for an MRI....hoping it shows nothing but better safe than sorry.

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Grace, Ruby, Hazel OR Katie said...

Woot Woot to the progress! BOOO to the headaches. Love you guys...see you soon.

Ben & Michelle said...

Love you... praying that the headaches are nothing and will pass quickly. Full of joy for the progress!!!

Linda said...

Praying for a quick and easy solution for the headaches and a big WOOOHOOO on all of the progress he's made. Go, John, GO!!!

The Churchills