This is the amazing journey of our two miracles. John Craig was born on November 30, 2005 at 24 weeks and 5 days gestation. He weighed 1 pound 8 ounces and was 12 inches long. John is a true miracle and an inspiration to all that meet him! Hope Amanda, our perfect little girl, is currently recovering from two brain surgeries to remove a 6cm mass from the center of her brain. Hope represents everything good in this world and she too is an inspiration to all.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29.11

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Good Life!

Life has never been better......I have a wonderful husband who works hard to provide for our family yet still is VERY hands on with the kids (and the housework!) John and Hope are perfect in my eyes and everything I had hoped and prayed for. Life is good!!!

Little Miss. Hope reached 10 pounds yesterday, had her first bath in the sink (much easier on the back) and slept in her crib (in her room) for the first time last night. She is sleeping longer at night....usually waking between 2:00am and 3:00am for a feed and then going right back to sleep. She is taking 3 naps a day and just starting smiling and cooing. She is a very easy baby and we are enjoying every second spent with her.

My Little Man continues to amaze us. He is talking so much more and will try to repeat any word you ask him too.....his little voice is so sweet. He loves to read books and you can find him in his room at anytime flipping through the pages. He is very proud of his library books and loves going with Grams to the Library every few weeks.....he gets to check out 15 books each time! He loves to watch movies on the iTouch which is our saving grace at Botox and orthopedic appointments. He is eating like a champ and drinking is coming along too. Grams taught him how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on his piano and can play it on command. We will post a video of that later......

Unfortunately, he has been under the weather this week.....thankfully, no fever but a cough and runny nose that kept him home from school for three days. On Tuesday I asked him if he wanted to go to school or stay home and rest.....he did the sign for sleep:) I'm sure knowing Grams was here all day (I started back to work this week) played a huge role in his decision:) Anyhow, he is feeling much better today and we are hoping to get out of the house and enjoy this beautiful weather.

Again, life is GREAT!!!

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JaBLes Mommy said...

Jill, you are truly blessed to have such an incredible family, and they are equally blessed to have YOU!


I teach . . . said...

Wow! That last shot of John makes him look SO grown up! Here is to healthy babies, milestones and iTouches! We love ours as well. :)
