I can't believe my little girl is already 2 months old.
She did great at her 2 month check up....cried for a second when she got her 3 shots but stopped the second they were done. She is brave just like her big brother.
So, at 2 months of age, Hope weighs 9 pounds 10 ounces (25%) and is 21 inches long (10%.) The Dr. is very pleased with her growth and has given us the okay to let her sleep more at night....so far so good!
My pretty little girl at the doctors office.
I love how Daddy ALWAYS puts her in a dress!!!
My big guy wearing Daddy's hat....and looking super cool!!!
This kid cracks me up. Yes, those are the caps to his markers....can't wait till Thanksgiving when we teach him how to do that with the olives:)