I cannot believe it has already been a year since the announcement of our pregnancy..........and now my precious girl is 6 months old!!!
All is well in the Birtch home. We are enjoying the beautiful AZ weather and spending as much time outside as possible.
Daddy taught John how to open the mailbox.

Once opened he sticks his head inside and says, "Hello! Anybody there?"
Hope is wondering what in the world I am giving here!
Not sure if she liked the green peas....not much went in her mouth:)
Could they get any cuter... jeez.... makes my heart happy happy as always. I love that Hope is rolling and eating.... what a blessing to be able to experience all the joys of mother hood from learning feeding tubes to green peas.... can't always be easy but wow do you get see the miracles of life and God's grace over and over.... amazing kiddos you have with two AMAZING parents.. love you.....
john is so cute! and oh my, how big has hope become :) she has gorgeous eyes, jill!
HAHAHA! That picture of Hope is a crack up! She is so stinkin' cute.
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