I think of myself as a fairly strong and positive person but on days like today, it's hard to be that person. Just when you think things can't get any worse........they do!
We went to Phoenix Children's Hospital for our eval. and neurological checkup today. The evaluation was first. John was a little sleepy (he missed his nap) but he still performed well:) He is 32 weeks adjusted and scored between 22-28 weeks on everything. Not bad in my opinion considering he was born at 24 weeks and had a severe brain bleed. The PT doing the eval. didn't seem too concerned. She noticed a little stiffness in his legs and shoulders and commented on his head and hand tremors. Nothing new to us. She wants us to work on sitting and reaching for toys. She thinks he'll be sitting by Christmas. What a great present that will be!
After the eval. we met up with our good friends from the NICU and their son (also a 24 weeker.) It was great to see them!
Now, here comes the venting......
As soon as the neurologist walks into the room she says, John is REALLY falling behind. Jamie and I look at each other.........what?????? Where in the world she got that info. from beats me. I told her he scored between 22-28 weeks and she said, oh I guess that's not too bad. Anyhow, John had fallen asleep so she really couldn't do too much with him so she decides to pull up the MRI from March and proceeds to tell us he should get tested for a genetic disorder and if he has one then we probably shouldn't have more kids. WHAT???????????? This came out of no where. She read this same MRI 4 months ago when we were there and no where did she ever mention a genetic disorder. She went on to tell us that his small cerebellum will effect his motor skills. I felt like we were re-living that HORRIBLE day in March when they read the MRI to us for the first time and told us John wouldn't be able to do this and that and so forth.
All of my hopes and dreams of a normal pregnancy and delivery were shattered when I delivered John at 24 weeks into my pregnancy. My hopes and dreams for my child were destroyed when the Dr.'s told us he had a Grade III brain bleed and would have long term disabilities. I have come to grips with the fact that John may have special needs and I am okay with that. He is my child and in my eyes and God's, he's perfect. I was chosen to be his mommy for a reason and I am thankful for that. But, now I feel like my hopes and dreams of having a "normal" pregnancy, carrying a baby to term, bringing my baby home with me, breast feeding, etc., have been crushed too. I know life is rough but I never imagined it could be this hard.
Sorry, for such a depressing post. It's just one of those days.
On another note, please pray for his surgery tomorrow. Pray that it is performed carefully and that the recovery is quick.